These comments are from my Rambo NES review. The AVGN, as could be predicted from every time a movie comes out that has a minor connection to an NES game, also reviewed Rambo for NES. People are making allegations of the AVGN blatanty ripping off my review (which I do for free) for his token expected review (which he is paid for).
You can watch them both and dicide for yourself.
I don't really care either way. I could get outraged about it, but what's that going to accomplish? It's not like there's any kind of legal recourse or anything beyond demanding an apology. We're all adults here (In theory), and I will admit his video does bear more than a passing resemblance to mine.
I would like to point out the irony in that when IrateGamer was accused of being an AVGN ripoff, the "AVGN Nazis" (Yes, that's an actual term) unloaded on him and refused to give him the benefit of the doubt. But when AVGN makes a video that looks an awful lot like someone else, it's all "...if you are review the same game you are BOUND to bump into same flaws". No shit Buckwheat? Suddenly it's not such an injustice when it's the other way around?
I personally am waiting for IrateGamer Nazis (Again, actual term) to flame AVGN by proxy as using my video as "proof" that he is a ripoff - they accused him of basing his Atari Porno video off an article written by Seanbaby.
I'm calling it - Sometime around Star Trek XI's release in December, AVGN is going to review Star Trek 25th Anniversary for NES, in addition to any other Star Trek games he has....just like I'm doing in March.
IN OTHER NEWS: I just got a new 72-pin adapter off eBay for my NES, and now it works great! I don't even have to push the cartridge down half the time.
Eh, you should have stood tall and taught these jealous little boys to respect the greatness that is Thomas Edward Patrick Brady, Jr. He's a man. He's 30.
Kids arguing about copying video game reviews... yawn. We've been through that song and dance too many times.
Honestly though, for all I see you could have just gotten the idea to do Rambo after watching the Nintendo Power review in September, where he said he would get to it sometime. Of course you decided to beat him to it by releasing it in November. It looks like you're just putting him down to raise yourself up.
Hey, dats my name be up there! I'S FAMOUS NOW!!!
But seriously, theyre both entertaining reviews that deserve merit. Let the whiners whine about 'stolen' material from reviews they get to watch for free. Besides, it's about time the IrateNazis get their chance to shine.
And congrats on 'winning' the NES adapter off ebay! Hope it'll make reviewing pisspoor games much easier!
Dear PiB:
I recall playing Rambo when I was younger and frankly I'm amazed anyone has the patience to go through it even for reviewing purposes. Then again sometimes I'm accused of having too high a tolerance for what some would consider a crappy game.
Looking over your old NES games does bring back memories. Snake's Revenge does click more firmly as a game I liked, however having seen the footage from the MSX Solid Snake 2 you showed briefly I've become intrigued. *I have a PS2 and can track down the port for it which comes with one of the Collector's editions of MGS3 (the exact name escapes me at the moment, it's the one that I also believe has Raiden trying to go back in time as a comedic video series)*.
Apologies for the sidetrack, but I look forward to seeing more reviews as they come out,
i saw your review first and i still enjoy it more than his, it just felt like it had more content/humor to it.
but i enjoyed both of them. i was actually led to your reviews from his message board, someone there said he liked your rambo video so i tracked it down and was entertained (and then watched the rest of your reviews)
this comment doesn't mean anything. just keep making reviews for me to enjoy. and thanks.
Same frice2000 that posted that first comment, sorry if it irritated you at all, wasn't my intention. Honestly though watched your video of course first...And then the AVGN one came out. The entire time I was watching it I was thinking wow Bogart did this better, Bogart's was funnier, same comments as parts of Bogart's review.
Now I don't have a problem with AVGN or any of the other bad game reviewers doing these reviews after someone else had...Armake's and AVGN's Ghostbusters reviews I both found immensely entertaining. However in this case your review is superior in all respects.
Sorry if my comments caused you any agitation, but I didn't want the first comment on your Rambo review post AVGN review to be "RIP-OFF ZOMG!!!".
I like the random "dicide" you've been throwing into your blog posts.
Aww is this "war" still raging?
I don't really get the impression that AVGN ripped off your Rambo review, but it does seem that yours has influenced his. Your review saved him some time, there's no way it's coincidence that he referred to both Zelda II and Contra just as you did. But that's not enough to conclude he ripped off yours. Not for me anyway. And more importantly: I hardly care. Seriously, I enjoyed watching his review and it had some funny bits to it that aren't in yours. And, vice versa of course.
This is just all fairly silly. I'm gonna do my very very very best to not waste any time on it anymore, and I'm also gonna await your next review.
well the way i see it here is that, both of you are reviewing an old old game, so if your going to comment about how bad it is, it's really not going to be all that different i mean, AVGN found that glitch back to the begining you didn't get and the password thing you didn't do at the same time, your talk about fantasy and reality thing was more indepth then his, on top of how the story in the game was a butchered version of the movie was better explained in yours, personally i like both of you, AVGN gets paid to do his but he should, his have more involved productions then yours and better look, don't think that means I'm and AVGN Nazi it's just true, but again, i like your stuff so keep it up, i would like to see more reviews honestly, and right now my personal favorite of your reviews was rollerball, so if you could do another like that, i'd be happy =D what i'm saying is kick LJN and Ultra games some more, i love to see shitty obscure games that i've never heard of, because then i grab the old dreamcast emulator play them and think of the review and laugh to myself =P
Oh, I have to agree. The first thing I noticed when I saw your review was that he used a lot of your jokes. Not only did he use the jokes, but he used almost the same screen shots and scenes with them.
And of course, I said the same thing about him and the Irate Gamer, but no one listens to me.
You know, I think this is why PiB is so awesome.
He doesn't really care about another person 'ripping' him off, and doesn't act out against it like all of the other fanboys, and he still comes up with original content
Thanks for not becoming another whiner PiB
Well, I live with my parents, and I don't think it's bad at all. In fact, my mom cooks, does the laundry, takes care of me and my dad earns money to pay for my school and my things. And I should get all rebelious againt all this??? Riiiiiight.
Anyways, I like AVGN when he was the humble ANN (Angry Nintendo Nerd). His videos were way funnier, really.
Also, I would trade your Rambo video for his, any day, seriously.
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