I suppose in the year and a half of operation on YouTube I never let anybody know what NES games I had, so:
1. 10-Yard Fight
2. 8 Eyes
3. Abadox
4. Adventures of Bayou Billy
5. Astyanax
6. Back to the Future
7. Baseball
8. Bases Loaded 3
9. Bionic Commando
10. Blades of Steel
11. The Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout
12. BurgerTime
13. California Games
14. Captain Skyhawk
15. Crystalis
16. Deadly Towers
17. Dr. Mario
18. Dragon Power
19. Dragon Warrior
20. Dragon Warrior II
21. Duck Tales
22. Faxanadu
23. Final Fantasy
24. Gauntlet II (Out having a sex change to Tecmo NFL 07)
25. Godzilla
26. Gyruss
27. Hogan's Alley (Have Box)
28. Hydlide
29. Ice Hockey
30. IronSword: Wizards & Warriors II
31. John Elway's Quarterback
32. Joust
33. Karate Champ
34. Kirby's Adventure
35. Knight Rider
36. Kung Fu Heroes
37. Kung Fu
38. Legacy of the Wizard
39. The Legend of Zelda
40. The Lone Ranger
41. Magmax
42. Metal Gear (Have Box)
43. MiG 29 Soviet Fighter
44. Milon's Secret Castle
45. Mission: Impossible
46. NFL Football
47. Paperboy
48. Platoon
49. Play Action Football
50. Punch-Out!!
51. RBI Baseball
52. RBI Baseball 2
53. R.C. Pro-Am
54. Rad Racer
55. Rad Racer II
56. Rambo
57. Rampart
58. RoadBlasters
59. Rocket Ranger
60. Rollergames
61. Rollerball
62. Sesame Street Letter-Go-Round/Ernie's Big Splash (My first NES game)
63. Shinobi
64. Silent Service
65. Skate or Die
66. Skate or Die 2
67. Sky Shark
68. Snake's Revenge (Have Box)
69. Solar Jetman
70. Star Voyager
71. StarTropics
72. Strider
73. Super Mario Bros.
74. Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt
75. Super Mario Bros. 2
76. Super Mario Bros. 3
77. Super Spike V'Ball
78. Tecmo Bowl
79. Tecmo Super Bowl
80. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
81. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game (Have Box)
82. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
83. Tetris
84. Tetris 2
85. The Three Stooges
86. Time Lord
87. Top Gun: The Second Mission
88. Touchdown Fever
89. Track & Field II
90. Wall Street Kid
91. Willow
92. Winter Games
93. Wurm: Journey to the Center of the Earth
94. Xevious
95. Xexyz
96. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
97. 31-in-1 Famicom Multicart
98. 42-in-1 Famicom Multicart
99. 118-in-1 Famicom Multicart
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
The New England Patriots - Good for the NFL all around
The two teams I was between were the Patriots and the Packers. It stems back to Super Bowl 31 where everyone said the Patriots would win, and I said Packers would. Packers did. But in light of their recent success (i.e. SB36), Pats won, and Packers became my backup team. Ya gotta have another team to root for if god forbid your team falls to the wayside.
The only way you wouldn't know anything about the Patriots success this season was if you lived under a rock, AND, if that rock had wi-fi coverage, you haven't been watching my material. First team to go 16-0 in the sixteen week schedule. Most touchdowns by a QB in a regular season. Most TD receptions by a receiver in a regular season. Most touchdowns. Most points. Etc. They've kicked ass, taken names, and are now the most hated team in the NFL.
But, why hate them? They have their shit together. A QB who throws. Receivers who catch. A line that protects. A defense that won't let up (Unless you throw short passes, they don't seem to like those). They're setting a new benchmark for excellence, and rather than cursing the Patriots for it, they should be encouraging their own teams to step up and meet the challenge.
Teams need to improve their defense a little more. It used to be that Brady could just throw toss after toss to Randy Moss for the score. But about 10 or 11 weeks into the season, everybody figured out "Hey, why don't we cover Randy Moss more?" That worked for about one drive before Brady just started throwing to everyone else like Wes Welker and Dante Stallworth, and now Randy Moss is a great decoy. Teams HAVE to cover him because he can generally beat single coverage if you aren't on the ball. I can't really recommend anything beyond "try harder".
Which leaves the offense. QBs have to get better, their lines need to protect better, and their receivers have to get more open. Sure, it's easy for me to dish out that kind of advice, especially since with football games you have the benefit of being able to see around you more open, but that's why they're the ones playing football and I'm not. Teams have gone back to throwing short passes for two yards that might run for another four, and it's a good tactic all around.
If the Patriots win the Super Bowl, not only will it cement the Patriots Dynasty, but it will also win them the label of "End Boss Of The NFL".
Teams have three options.
1. Improve their players.
2. Wait for the draft.
3. Wait five years.
Look at it this way. You want your team to beat the New England Patriots. You don't want the Patriots to lose. You want your team to win. There's a difference. A team loses when they self destruct and collapse under their own incompetence, and the other team stands back and lets the pieces fall where they may (see: Pats vs Ravens). A team wins when they rise to a challenge and excel. You know?
I want to say there's some kind of divine intervention at work in the New England region, what with the Patriots perfect season and the Red Sox winning their second World Series in recent years, but it looks like the Celtics are starting to fall back to Earth, and the Bruins are about average.
Honestly, I wish the Super Bowl had been Patriots at Packers. The awesomeness of the Patriots coupled with the history of Brett Favre? I honestly would not have cared who won, it would be epic either way.
FYI, Tecmo Super Bowl 2007 is repeatedly calling the Super Bowl in New England's favor over New York. You may laugh at this, but it also called the Packers/Giants game. Repeatedly.
So did Eddie Murphy.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
K, so
I was gonna make a big post explaining why people should love and not HATE the New England Patriots, but something's come up that I suppose I should comment on.

These comments are from my Rambo NES review. The AVGN, as could be predicted from every time a movie comes out that has a minor connection to an NES game, also reviewed Rambo for NES. People are making allegations of the AVGN blatanty ripping off my review (which I do for free) for his token expected review (which he is paid for).
You can watch them both and dicide for yourself.
I don't really care either way. I could get outraged about it, but what's that going to accomplish? It's not like there's any kind of legal recourse or anything beyond demanding an apology. We're all adults here (In theory), and I will admit his video does bear more than a passing resemblance to mine.
I would like to point out the irony in that when IrateGamer was accused of being an AVGN ripoff, the "AVGN Nazis" (Yes, that's an actual term) unloaded on him and refused to give him the benefit of the doubt. But when AVGN makes a video that looks an awful lot like someone else, it's all "...if you are review the same game you are BOUND to bump into same flaws". No shit Buckwheat? Suddenly it's not such an injustice when it's the other way around?
I personally am waiting for IrateGamer Nazis (Again, actual term) to flame AVGN by proxy as using my video as "proof" that he is a ripoff - they accused him of basing his Atari Porno video off an article written by Seanbaby.
I'm calling it - Sometime around Star Trek XI's release in December, AVGN is going to review Star Trek 25th Anniversary for NES, in addition to any other Star Trek games he has....just like I'm doing in March.
IN OTHER NEWS: I just got a new 72-pin adapter off eBay for my NES, and now it works great! I don't even have to push the cartridge down half the time.
These comments are from my Rambo NES review. The AVGN, as could be predicted from every time a movie comes out that has a minor connection to an NES game, also reviewed Rambo for NES. People are making allegations of the AVGN blatanty ripping off my review (which I do for free) for his token expected review (which he is paid for).
You can watch them both and dicide for yourself.
I don't really care either way. I could get outraged about it, but what's that going to accomplish? It's not like there's any kind of legal recourse or anything beyond demanding an apology. We're all adults here (In theory), and I will admit his video does bear more than a passing resemblance to mine.
I would like to point out the irony in that when IrateGamer was accused of being an AVGN ripoff, the "AVGN Nazis" (Yes, that's an actual term) unloaded on him and refused to give him the benefit of the doubt. But when AVGN makes a video that looks an awful lot like someone else, it's all "...if you are review the same game you are BOUND to bump into same flaws". No shit Buckwheat? Suddenly it's not such an injustice when it's the other way around?
I personally am waiting for IrateGamer Nazis (Again, actual term) to flame AVGN by proxy as using my video as "proof" that he is a ripoff - they accused him of basing his Atari Porno video off an article written by Seanbaby.
I'm calling it - Sometime around Star Trek XI's release in December, AVGN is going to review Star Trek 25th Anniversary for NES, in addition to any other Star Trek games he has....just like I'm doing in March.
IN OTHER NEWS: I just got a new 72-pin adapter off eBay for my NES, and now it works great! I don't even have to push the cartridge down half the time.
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