Some of you know that I own at least one famicom multicart from the two-part drunk video I did on the 31-in-1. Well in actually I owned two. Now I own three.
It doesn't take a course in oriental languages to know a lot of those names look the same.
-Super Mario Bros.
-Tengen Tetris
-Unknown Ninja game by Jaleco
-Binary Land
-Antarctic Adventure
-Field Combat
-Ice Climber
-Battle City
-Road Fighter
-Circus Charlie
I don't have my own copy of Contra, so this multicart foots the bill for that. Not to mention two of my favorite games from my 42-in-1 (which is corroded and has graphical issues) being Field Combat and B-Wings are present on this cart.
What's odd though is even though the cart advertises it has Star Force, it does not.
Another oddity is that it is very difficult to get the menu to appear without graphical issues - yet you can select any game and they look just fine.
I'll probably take some footage of it sometime.
Video time. IrateGamer reviewed MUSCLE, one of the games features on the 31-in-1 and dissected while I was drunk.
I finally reviewed Rise of the Robots.
And this video doesn't get enough love.
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