You may ask "Wait, what happened to your $20 an hour dream job?" Well they eventually figured out that it wasn't cost-effective to hire two guys to sit in their cubicles and do nothing all day, so they kept my friend on and didn't renew my contract. Oh well, I made $2,100 after taxes to just play Genesis games all day, I won't complain.
Started playing World of Warcraft. It's been a while since that one week where I played a trial account (My lvl15 NE Rogue is still sitting on the Arthas server). Decided I wanted to go with a server that not only has people on it, but people I know (i.e. Tiana and now Nick).
And he still squeezes in a NES reference
Blood Elf Paladin, lvl 14 so far.
I'm sure every WoW player complains about this at one point in their careers, but when you're on a quest to get the bodyparts of various creatures (Beaks, Hooves, etc), does it not make sense that they should always drop them? I mean, when I kill a "Farstrider" (Ostrich), does their beak auto-destruct before I can get my hands on it? If I physically look at the dead animal, I could SEE a beak.
Insert nonexistent image here
In any event I was able to make short work of my $1400 paycheck. I'll break it down:
-19" Widescreen LCD Monitor
-DVD-RW Drive
-4GB Flash Drive
-GeForce 7600
-World of Warcraft
-World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade
-World of Warcraft game card
-Counter Strike Anthology
-Star Trek: Encounters
-Dicksmokes: Forbidden Memories
-Walther P99 C02 Gun
-Three seasons of ER on DVD (Mother's Day)
And I still want to buy a cell phone.
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